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Sensi Case Studies

Optimizing Physical Health, Cognition, Activity & Wellbeing of Seniors with Dementia

By 7 December 2021June 13th, 2022No Comments

By Miki Rossanis, Head of Clinical Development,

  • Did you know that according to the World Health Organization there are 55 million people worldwide living with dementia? It is also the seventh leading cause of death and one of the major causes of disability among older adults globally. 
  • In the U.S. alone, there are an estimated 6.2 million people aged 65 and older who are living with Alzheimer’s Dementia today. 
  • These numbers are set to grow in the coming years as the aging population increases, by 2025 the number of people aged 65 and older living with Alzheimer’s dementia is projected to reach 7.2 million. 
  • Interestingly the majority of help and care that people with Dementia receive is from family members and friends, as unpaid caregivers. And for a remarkable 65% of these caregivers the reason why they provide assistance to a person with dementia is to fulfill the person’s wishes to keep the family member or friend at home.
  • Studies show that the level of care a person with dementia requires is 151 hours per month at the outset of dementia. As the disease progresses, the hours required can increase to 282 hours each month, following 8 years of progression of the disease. 
  • As the time required to provide care increases and the symptoms of the person worsen, with behavioural and functional deficits, caregivers are at a high risk of experiencing increased emotional stress, exacerbated health problems, and burden over time. 

Whilst these facts and figures are daunting we are here to offer a solution to the impact of dementia on both the older adult population and those who care for them. 

Goals for Dementia Care (WHO, September 2021)    Sensi Solution
Early diagnosis for early and optimal management. 

Sensi will detect occurrences of cognitive anomalies which can help to prompt medical reviews and early diagnosis of the condition. 

Sensi can then be used to guide the level of care somebody needs from the outset of this diagnosis. Whilst physically the person may be managing with daily activities, cognitive difficulties during tasks will be essential to identify and manage accordingly. 

Optimising physical health, cognition, activity and wellbeing 

Sensi will monitor instances of physical and cognitive anomalies, difficulties performing certain tasks and physical and mental distress. 

The deterioration or improvements detected in function and wellbeing can be used to optimize the person’s engagement in valued tasks and the level of assistance required to remain safe in the home environment.  

In addition, instances of positive interaction and exceptional care (or lack thereof) in the person’s environment can indicate levels of companionship and social wellbeing.  

Identifying and treating accompanying physical illness

Sensi will detect occurrences of physical anomalies, difficulty performing a task and physical or mental distress. 

This information is used for early detection of physical ailments in order to implement the appropriate medical response for management. 

This is especially important in the home of a person with dementia who is not always able or willing to express medical or physical issues that are occurring. 

Understanding and managing behaviour changes 

Sensi will detect the cognitive anomalies, mental distress events and positive or intense interactions occurring, for a deep understanding of their behaviours and mental wellbeing. 

Furthermore, details of activity levels and sleep patterns can portray important insights into the behaviours and routines of the person. 

This information is used to optimise care by implementing strategies for managing behavioural changes and adjusting care hours to meet the need of the person. 

Providing information and long term support to carers.   

Sensi’s ongoing monitoring of a person’s needs, detection of important anomalies and trends which demonstrate changes to their function, allows for optimisation of their care plan and dementia management according to their clinical presentation. 

Recommendations of individualised strategies in dealing with a person’s care needs are invaluable to family and caregivers. 

This support allows them to provide exceptional care and maintain the wellbeing and quality of life of their loved ones. 



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